

The Child In You...
The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To keep you always alive,
For new joy each day to derive.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To not get lost in life's myriad ways,
For no circumstance to hold sway.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To sport a carefree mentality,
With an innocent flexibility.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To let go off the unpleasant,
To stay tuned with the present.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
For a candid bearing,
With an agile daring.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To flower with bliss,
With gloom dismissed.

The child in you,
Ought to be nurtured for true,
To harbour it in life's journey,
For fostering joy surely.

© The Silent Writer

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