

● What is happiness ?

Ans- Happiness is an emotion characterized by the feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. Different people have different definitions of happiness.

Sometimes the things that make people happy also differ. Happiness is generally considered to have more of a positive feeling rather than negative.

In simpler words, happiness is when we have a smile on our face for colossal events but also for the most preposterous things, when our hearts are full of love and when we are grateful for the smallest things.

● Why is happiness important ?

Ans- You aren't supposed to be happy only when things around you are right or perfect. Be happy in each and every situation no matter how good or bad or how tolerable or intolerable it is.

So happiness is important not only to make the current scenario easier but also to provide us with hope for the future. Tough times do get a lot easier when you are happily facing them with a smile on your face. It is important to do things that makes you happy.

● Can smiling truly make something better ?

Ans- They do say that tough situations make a person stronger. There is nothing in this world, which is better than a smile.

You may be panicking, overthinking or suffering from anxiety, but with a smile on your face, the people around you continue to feel that you are relaxed and composed.

In fact this might help a lot with job interviews, the interviewers might feel that you are prepared and confident, if you answer their questions with a smile on your face.

Happiness has its own benefits but no matter what happens in life you should always be happy, patient, humble and continue working.

● What things should we do in life to stay happy ?

Ans- Firstly, We shall always do things that benefit us in long term and also contribute to our happiness. Doing something just for money or for fame is never going to truly make us happy.

We should work out, study, get new hobbies, apply to our dream colleges and universities, exercise self-care, eat our favourite food, stay healthy and hydrated, meet new people, learn art forms, dance, music, languages and just go with the flow.

We should inspire, grow and learn more every day. Secondly, we shall learn from our mistakes and continue to grow for a better future. We should continue to be ambitious, dream big, focus on ourselves while still remaining true to our roots and being humble.

● Can money buy happiness?

Ans- Different people might have different opinions and answers on the above asked question. But as rightfully said, everyone has different build ups, mindsets and ideologies.

But in my opinion; No, money cannot buy happiness. Not to be morally correct, but I feel that the things that truly make me feel happy, are not bought with money but instead with the things that I like to do, and the people that I like to be around.

Difficult situations and tough times have shaped me as the person that I am today. Money didn't buy the happiness that I get by writing and posting my content on Writco.

Neither can money give me the joy or the happiness that I feel when I get to spend time with my family and friends.

Even if the majority feels that they can witness true happiness with money, I will continue to stand by my opinion.

● Is being rich necessary to be happy ?

Ans- To stay happy, being enamoured with material goods or luxuries is not important. You can get happiness with the simplest pleasures of life. For being happy, living with a purpose is very important.

We should find joy in lasting relationships, work toward our goals, and live according to our beliefs and values. Even the most affluent and rich people blessed with luxury, struggle to stay truly happy.

Happiness is not a curtain or facade to be put onto, it is a sense where we are grateful and we feel blessed to have the invaluable luxuries that we own that are not priced money but with the joy that they give us.

● Can happiness be measured ?

Ans- At the moment, your happiness might depend on the number of things around you that are right and are perfectly going as per you. As soon as one of these things, loses its rhythm or starts going haywire, you will lose it all.

We should be happy for the part that is right and the part that’s wrong. We should obviously correct the mistakes made or the wrong part of it, but also while being grateful for the right or the bright side of it.

To a certain extent, the current scenario of your life determines the current level of your happiness, basically measures you happiness. Obviously we don’t say that we are happy at a level 3 or a level 10.

But sometimes even small things such as providing food to a stray animal, enjoying a cup of tea, spending time with your loved ones or watching your favourite shows gives us happiness that cannot be measured.

● Can being happy ever be wrong ?

Ans- Well logically, happiness is subjective. Things that make one happy might not make someone else happy. Not only do people’s goals for happiness differ, but unfortunately sometimes, the downfall or failure of someone else is the reason for our happiness.

Races and competitions are all a part of life, we might be happy on achieving the first or the runner up position, but that does not allow us to make fun of someone who hasn’t achieved the same and similarly does not give us the right to be happy about it.

Someone else’s failure or unhappiness, gives a reason for us to stand by them in their tough times and support them by motivating them. If we are happy on someone’s downfall, it not only makes us morally incorrect but also inhumane.

Lastly I would like to add, "It is easy to find happiness; but it is difficult is to remain happy."

We all have problems and difficulties in our lives, it is our choice to be happy and smile while going through these tough times. Even the smallest and the simplest things will give you immense happiness, if you pay attention to it. Just work on yourself and do things that make you happy.

As rightly quoted by the great philosopher Epictetus, “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

#Happiness #SHONA0903

© divyaa