

I will breathe...as long as you live.
I will hear,as sweet as you speak.
I will sing,as far as you can listen.
I will show,as soon as you can watch.
I will breathe,as long as you live.

Even if i fade away from the dreams you never saw,
my eyes will live,in the ringing of your bracelet.

I looked for you in steamy fireplaces,and misty hilltops,
heard your songs in the last breaths of a falling flower.

I will call you,a hundred times,from the corners of an umbrella,hiding your face in the harsh torrents.

I longed for the warmth in the curls of your hairs,my dreams swung on the swings of its curly canyons.

Like The turquoise hues of a dying sky,looking forward for the death of a bleak adjoining night.

with blazing divas,flowering like fireflies,caressed by Eastern tempest,monsoon rains and a haunted desert.

You fill in the seasons of solstice in me,you set the limits of my rage,the pace of my breath,my existence.