

In the realm of blue, where dreams take flight,
A tapestry of shades, from dark to light.
Blue, the hue of morning's tender kiss,
As the sky awakens, celestial bliss.
A robin's egg, fragile and brand new,
Promising life, with a shade so true.
In winter's grasp, a chilling embrace,
Icy tendrils creeping, with mystical grace.
The peacock's feathers, vibrant and bold,
A mesmerizing display, their story untold.
Blue, the color of a lover's lingering gaze,
Reflecting passion in a captivating maze.
The saxophone's melody, smooth and mellow,
Bluesy notes whispering emotions that bellow.
A tranquil lagoon, inviting serenity,
Under the summer's moon, its magic runs free.
Butterfly's wings, delicate and grand,
Blue patterns dancing throughout the land.
Blue, the color of melancholic sighs,
Whispering tales of lost love and goodbyes.
Art of Picasso, his blue period's grace,
Portraying melancholy with exquisite embrace.
Blue, the color of infinity's expanse,
Unfolding mysteries as we take a chance.
The mountain lake reflects azure and clear,
Mirroring landscapes so cherished and dear.
Blue, the color of inspiration's well,
Where ideas bloom, like a magical spell.
The Blue Moon, rare and enchanting,
A celestial wonder, in the night sky dancing.
Blue, the color of resilience and might,
Like a warrior's spirit, prepared to fight.
The fragile bluebell, woodland's delight,
Bathing in sunlight from morning till night.
Blue, the color of harmony and peace,
A soothing balm where conflicts cease.
From turquoise to navy, a symphony unfolds,
Blue's vast palette, a story yet untold.
So let us immerse ourselves in this expansive realm,
Exploring the depths of blue, where wonders overwhelm.
For in every hue, in every shade,
Blue whispers secrets, both old and newly made.

© Max von der Heydt. All rights Reserved.