

A Mother's Love
A mother's love, so pure and true,
A gift from the heavens, so holy and new,
It fills us with warmth, and the joy of life,
Guiding us always, shielding us from strife.

Through all of our trials, and all of our fears,
A mother's love, she gently steers,
Always by our side, to lift us up,
Her care and support, an unbreakable cup.

A mother's love, so kind and tender,
Helps us to keep our faith and surrender,
For in her embrace, we find true peace,
And a sense of belonging, that will never cease.

So on this day, we pay homage and tribute,
To the one who gave us life, with all its pursuit,
Our mothers, our guiding angels, our heart's true beating,
We thank you for your love, for always believing.

© bitter_sweeett_