

We entered this year with hopes and expectations,
thinking this year will be better,
We entered this year,
Not knowing what the future will unfold,
With the days running fast,
Mysterious events taken place,
Floods came like a rushing wind,
and destroyed many,
Nations rose against each other,
Many died,
Some just couldn't recover from the great pandemic,
Many found themselves trying,
To mend the broken pictures of their lives,
Yes we fought in pain but with love,
We suffered in agony but with hope,
With poetic words of inspiration,
on the pages of our hearts and in our minds,
We tried to move on ,
but it looked like we were building castles in the air,
But in all we found joy, hope ,
good memories and experiences to share,
Here we are sailing on the streams of life,
Through the highs and lows of this year,
And wishing for the best of next year.

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