

Shaded Duet

Bloody flesh and singed screams.
Ridiculed all throughout your life.
A gorey mess of trampled dreams
You ended up as the one brandishing the knife.

Wandering inbetween.
Only pitch black remains.
Forever as the unseen.
The truth stains.

A lucid nightmare.
One where nobody cares.
Boiling over with fear.
Left alone to atone.

Happiness is rather brief.
I can't find relief.
Despair becomes permanent.
Suffering in torment.

Drunken nights at the tavern.
Burying feelings in a pattern.
Misplaced pieces of whats dear.
My chapter of disaster ends here.

Settled in her spot.
Ruffled pages send sparks.
Securing a rope around my heart.
Binding a stubborn knot.

Risen from the dead.
To stand by your side.
Life encountered a lag.
Two ghosts playing tag.

I have my sword and I have my shield.
I'll be there to help, when there is no one else.

In the heavy rain that pours.
You keep rushing forward.
My eternity is yours.
Let's take our time as we move shoreward.

Don't be afraid to cry, our tears show we are alive.
Your downpour of experience builds your beautiful existence.

I trained her in a hidden sword art to protect her from the dark.
I crafted her a set of armor so nobody would be able to harm her.

I forged a blade.
To keep her safe.
On her nightly raids.
She holds the best poker face.

Just a glance from you, and I'm feeling blue.
I didn't know what to do with all that cuteness.
You don't realize what you've put me through.
You've become my irreplaceable nuisance.

To have you by my side, with me in this endless ride.
I would gladly descend to hell, even when all is well.

I don't care If I'm dragged through the mud or whirled into the skies.
I'll leave behind a trail of blood, not stopping until I defend what's mine.

When I'm broken and can't move.
Entering unknown data.
I hold my breath and count for you.
To be gifted unlimited stamina.

Chugging down bottles of you.
The only drug that stays true.
Each experience is brand new.
Addicted to your unique brew.
Asphyxiated in a sea of blue.

I'll rise from the dead.
To stand by your side.
Mortal limitations are shed.
You're the only law I abide.

When you no longer require the use of words.
I'll be your sword.
When the burden is too heavy for you to wield.
I'll be your shield.
When you're tired from all the fighting.
I'll be your change in lighting.

I'll be there as your sword.
I'll be there as your shield.
Amidst the ongoing wars.
I am eternally yours.

© 🗡️ HiddenTreasures 🛡️