

It came as pet
something i play around with
Gradually I nursed it,fed it and it became like a child to me.
Gave it all attention
and it grew
it grew gradually
I cherished it
it was fun to be with because of the confidence it gives
I gave it a pet name to justify what it does
and it actions
I was feared because of it.
But it started growing more than expected
I thought it was a pet ,why did it grow this much I asked ?
I forgot I caused it
I nurtured it more than necessary
Now he has grown more than expected
wishing to control my life
it now says what I do and shouldn't do
it has grown more than the owner
I regret taking it in
I regret nurturing it
I wish i never took that habit now it is about to swallow me up.

It is now had to let go
it never wishes to go away.
But in any way possible I will get it out of my life because it is not worth keeping
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