

the soul
In the quiet corners of your soul's embrace,
Where shadows dance and dreams take place,
There lies a treasure, waiting to be found,
A beacon of light, amidst the darkness profound.

Seek not outside for joy's sweet song,
For within yourself, it has been all along.
In the depths of your being, where rivers flow,
Find the happiness that only you can know.

For happiness is not a destination to seek,
But a journey within, where your spirit speaks.
In the laughter of your heart, in the tears you shed,
Lies the happiness that cannot be misled.

Embrace the solitude, the silence, the peace,
And from within, let your joy increase.
For in finding happiness within yourself,
You unlock the secrets of life's greatest wealth.

So let your soul be the guide, the compass true,
And in its wisdom, find the joy that's due.
For happiness, my friend, is not far away,
It resides within you, come what may.
© director.gopikiran