

The fool who never gave up
There once was a fool who'd fall in love
and even though he wasn't the first,
he'd fall so hard that the jane would seem
as if her crush was just a burst.

This is the tale of a fool who'd cry
all nights long for someone's touch.
In all the world he saw just one
that he could love with all his heart.

The fool would wait and wait and wait
for someday jane may accept his call,
He'd long for it day and night,
through cold winters and lonely fall.

Amidst the hustle, jane forgot
as if she didn't wish to recall again,
the face of the fool who made her carry
a burden of love, regret and pain.

And they both would think the other
doesn't get who's in real ache;
for jane perceived it differently,
the fool thought it's all fake.

She had told him long ago
she's not sure how she feels,
they both waited to see the truth
if stroke of time really heals.

The fool thought he'd wait forever
no matter how long it takes.
For she'd always be the one he'd want
over all petty fakes.

The moment of truth never finally striked,
the longing spilled his cup.
This is how the tale goes on
of the fool who'd never give up.