

Real fantasy..
A simple fantasy or wish fulfillment,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,
Soon it will become a reality...

Leaning on the balcony sill,
lost in the moment still
not to miss the eternal scene
the child in me is very keen.

The dream of touring the sky
soaring like a eagle flying high
Curious to find beyond the clouds
is there the God to whom I bowed?

Another secret journey the mind embarks
when the sun sets and the night is dark.

I dream myself decked up beside the moon
with lustrous jewels and a song to croon.

Waiting eagerly for my soul mate to join me
is this my heartfelt wish or just a fantasy?

Looking up at the sky.. I see blessing angels smile
A feeling of fantasy turning real...
for a while. 😇

© sunaina