

My Girlfriend's Prayers
My girlfriend's prayers

By R.

My girlfriend's prayers
Are butterflies
That take her
Questions to the sky

She prays
For the troubles
That I have

That's why she's called
"The better half"

My girlfriend's prayers
Are sweet and kind

She is my girlfriend
By design

She grows
A message
In her heart

That touches me
In my deepest part

I saw her one day
Looking her best

Sleeping on
The day of rest

I brought a bouquet
Red and blue

She awoke and said,
"I was just thinking of you."

I often hear
Learning a song

Taken from the
Place where
Songs belong

It touches me
And makes me weep
Reminding me
Of promises
I didn't keep

My girlfriend's prayers
Turn on the rain
Washing out
The past
And its too much pain

I'm grateful for how
My girlfriend prays

I'm hoping she'll show me the way
Show me the way.

© R Becker