

The Dead 'SHE'
The person whom you all love🥰
❤️And she love you more!

✨In one moment she left✨
💧For years my eyes wept💧
💕Neither any memories 💕
🙅‍♀️Nor sceneries with her🙅‍♀️
🦋But it's just strange🦋
🥀That still I miss her🥀

🌻Rememberin' the day🌻
🌪️Of her pretty demise🌪️
💀Fake crowd present 💀
💫Only tryna hypnotize💫
🥺With their watery eyes🥺
👀Those weren't actual cries👀

💟Soon they all forget her💟
👏Such a big lier they all were👏
💮All the promises they left blur💮
🖤Neither they filled the love gap🖤
🌠Nor they even once offered me🌠
🌈A mother's heavenly lap🌈
© Miss Unique ★

Thanks for reading!
_Lots of love from Yuhi♡

📍Note:- My sweetest friends, this poem isn't written to get any sympathy. It's just to express the reality of people, they use to pretend and the fake concern they show. Take care! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)