

me and my demon
why, oh why
do you come every night?

starting with whispers
when I close my eyes

as I fall deeper
into my sleep

I see your face
and I start to weep

wasn't it enough
to keep me trapped

7 months of hell
in a virtual cell

waiting and working on
my freedom to come

it wasn't easy
but I finally got it done

however in my thoughts
you hide and wait

I have scars forever on my body
that I covered in ink

I have scars on my soul
that are hard to mend

I'm stronger now
in spite of them

if you come at me today
you could never win

you would be the one
shaking and crying in fear

begging me to stop but
you hurt this Tiger too deep

now you'll see her claws
and her sharp, sharp teeth

so, if you see me now
you better run away

because this Tiger
just isn't going to play