

Think before you act

Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock

--------stay home,stay safe------

Government proposed for a lockdown,
Left with no option for cities and towns

--------stay home,stay safe------

Corona is spreading at a fast pace,
Urges people not to move out at such stage

--------stay home,stay safe------

The economy of the country is falling,
Still the cases of COVID-19 are growing

--------stay home,stay safe------

Some people have gathered stock for months,
Don't panick,only taking precautions is must

--------stay home,stay safe------

Prices of goods and groceries have hiked,
Making it impossible for the poor to survive

--------stay home,stay safe------

Let us unite in prayer to fight against it,
How dangerous it may be we won't quit

--------stay home,stay safe------

Stay at home,stay safe with your family
Use swadeshi products to foster our economy gradually..!!!