

Love is not in the sky
Accept it or deny
Love is in the destiny
Even if it is in your palm
But not in your destiny
Your hand will be empty

Your question will be
It is why??

It is a test from Allah
Every loved thing is not a blessing
It may be a test too.

Again your question will be why.?

Allah tests those who He loves
He know and you don't

May be you like a thing
But it is not good for you

May be you hate a thing
And it is good for you

Give your heart to your Rabb
This world will end one day
This people may break you
May left you

But it is Allah only
Who will not break your heart

Hand over to Him
He will give you best
You will never regret

If something is missed
You will get in jannah

For this worldly life
Don't sell your Akhirah

© sabrbaaz