

This Witch
Her hat hides a horror
of wild frizzy hair.
Her clothing is tattered
with holes everywhere.

Her cloak’s made of plastic
that rustles and flaps.
She mutters and murmurs
and chirrups and claps.

She mixes her potions
of powder and paste;
Some oats in a bucket
with regumate laced.

Her straw broom exploded
and went everywhere.
There’s straw in her pockets,
her boots, and her hair.

Her pockets hold apples
and pieces of string,
a knife and a pick
and a clip on a ring.

Her long bony fingers
are deft with a knot
for ropes are how most of
her victims are caught.

Her victims will spook
at an old plastic bag,
a motion, a noise,
or a little white flag,

a movement in grass
and a gunshot as well,
but stand like a statue
when under her spell.

Her magic works wonders
and held in a trance,
her victims will gallop,
stay steady or prance.

One fellow fell prey
to her charms and her forces.
He’s broke as a pauper
cause this witch works horses.

© Loretta Shively
#horses #horsepeople #training #witch #witches