

They claim dreamers cannot be realistic
Apparently, you're not realistic if you only believe in your dreams
When there's a balance to everything as it seems

Hurdles can always be jumped over, Like a labyrinth guiding us to sweep our troubles away.

No pain. No gain. On days without sunlight. One cannot complain. God provided clarity, through the tears, I find peace to smile, even when it rains

It may not be neatly organized, straight-forward, or efficient, But there will always be a way to jump over it, be it with one leg, two, or even four.

Just take it with a grain of salt
and give yourself more.
You can have more muscle mass
Than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It doesn't mean you have strength of an ox.

You can have all the common and book sense
in the world combined, but if you "trip" over small matters
without thinking bigger... than the situation.
You can still be a lummox.

Why judge a book by it's cover?
It's easier to grant permission
Than it is to provide forgiveness
There's a bit of me in you.
There's so much of you, I see in me.
The constellations in space,
reminds me of connections
The plant formations here on earth
have in common with elements and creations of nature.
You were meant to fly.

Why spellbound yourself to the ground?
I only want to spread good onto thy neighbor.
I leave all in the hands of the holy creator(s)
He, she, it. The universe is all.
Releasing from the grips of a grudge
Can set you free. From dragging you down.
This is why I am cautious
When I utilize, my ability to judge.
I was once that child searching hard
trying to find love.
Why should I
Validate with hate? For it feeds the friction!
There is much to uncover, left undiscovered
When you resolve all through being a lover!
The world searching desperately, for answers from the Grays.
When we are able to see it all in numbers, shapes, in color!


© Descovia