

The Night!

The long dim shadows,
Of surrounding trees,

The hooting sound of an owl,
With enchanting whispers of the breeze,

The moonlight dances on the leaves,
Creating a magical scene that relieves.

The rustling of the branches,
As the night sky enhances.

The stars twinkle above,
In a sky filled with love.

The night is peaceful and still,
As nature works its tranquil thrill.

The long dim shadows play,
In the beauty of the night, we sway.

The owl's hoot echoes in the air,
A melody that we gladly share.

Enchanting whispers of the breeze,
Bring a sense of calm and ease.

In this moment, we find peace,
As the night's wonders never cease.

The world around us comes alive,
In the long dim shadows, we thrive.

© Shafiya