

Play, oh play, let it be our guide
Through the troubles and the tears we hide
Let its joy and its laughter surround
As we forget all the pain that's found
In a world full of chaos and strife
Play is the elixir of life
It brings us back to our carefree days
And washes away our adult ways
With playful spirit and open heart
We dance and skip, never to depart
From the magic that play can bring
Just like a bird, we spread our wings
In play, there is no right or wrong
No judgement, no shame, no need to belong
We create and imagine, free from rules
In a world of make-believe and fools
Through play, we learn to love and share
To trust, to forgive, to show we care
It teaches us to be curious and bold
To explore and discover, as we grow old
Together we play, side by side
As the hours fly by, we let go of our pride
For in play, we are all just children at heart
No matter how old, we're never apart
So let us play, in whatever way we choose
For it is in play, that we never lose
The innocence, the wonder, the pure delight
That makes our hearts shine, in the darkest night.
So let us hold on to play, till the end of time
For it is the one thing that truly defines
The beauty, the joy, the essence of being
For in play, we are forever free and unseeing.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Play

© ApproximatePower