

Atlantis is a Place I Know
In my life and in my death,
I'd never take another breath
So far away, I feel like I am home and you say,

In my life and in my death,
I'd never want this to end, My Love,
We have nothing to atone

And they say,
We won't find it,
we are blinded
we stand opposite their light, but we'd said,

We'll keep searching,
for our Atlantis
And we found it in the night

In my life and in my death,
I'd never take another breath
So far away, I feel like I am home and you say,

In my life and in my death,
I'd never want this to end, My Love,
We have nothing to atone
And I cry,

We have found it, our Atlantis
We stand higher than this life, and we scream,
You can't find us, we're Atlantis
And we won't ever come to ground

© Adi Aartse