

I'm sorry but I'm not okay
I hate the fact that I'm obsessed with you

Here is the question ,are you with me ?
I've realized that I shouldn't get too attached

Expectations hurts lot
I loved you to the point where I've considered what I want

Sometimes I gaze into the mirror and ,
Ask myself if I really love you?

Or I'm desperate in love?
I hate missing you

Loving you hurts
It really hurts , believe me

I can tell that we're not compatible
It's way too difficult to give love alone regarding what we had

The fact that you're emotionally absent,
You're not there when I need you

Tore me apart
Have you ever loved me?

Was I enough to be your first priority?
It's better to go separate ways

Cause you can't handle
I don't know if it's for your benefits or what?

I'll end up hurting those close to me
Because of you

I'm tired of calling my friends for comfort when you're there
I'm tired of thinking about you

Even though I'm not sure whether you're thinking about me
Now I know what I want

But not with you
Keep well my love