

Thirst Trap
There is a constant trap of lust 

That is often after us

I urge you not to trust 

The pleasures promised in lust

From your mind comes a thought

Then you find your body is caught

At first it was a feeling

But now it is a flame

So you keep on feeding 

But now you cannot tame

What was first a curiosity claim

Is now a costly game

Now a shameful obsession that you want to hide

A sinister suggestion that you entertain late at night 

You promise to not go far

Until you are too deep

You would have not jumped from the hill

If you knew it were so steep

And now it's something ill 

And your insides it eats

It's never satisfied and always asking you for more

It entices you into shameful things abhorred

Because what was once obscene simply makes you bored

Your mind is now perverse 

And you wish to reverse

But even if it hurts

You still seek to quench your thirst

For that sweet poison called porn

For which your seed is poured

And your innocence is torn

Trust me I have fallen and yes I have sinned

And I could not find the strength to fight with it from within 

But I took it to my Savior 

And He told me to resist

And that I should sprint

Should I be tempted in

Any sexuall sin

It is not a fight

For we cannot win

But we must run to the One who did

And in the arms of Jesus is saving grace

That my lust would be replaced

By His love.

The struggle with lust is real and it is not easy but there is hope! There is freedom in Christ. "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body."

1 Corinthians 6:18 

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