

A nostalgic song of childhood
"Those golden days ,
spend under the golden sun rays
have now become golden memories. "

When there was less vehicles in this road,
When there was less noise in this place,
When this place ,where I live was still
called village.

I use to run in it's meadows n paddy fields,
I use to clim trees,
I use to sing and dance in glee.
Oh ! how time flee !

The village women's use to smile,
Perhaps I remind them , their childhood.
For now , I too do the same,
I smile looking at these kids.
For i can see my lost childhood
in their face .

Markus Natten was right when
he said " (Childhood ), It went to
some forgotten place,
That is hidden in an
infant's face,"


Many things have changed in my village that now i no longer can call it a village,
what has not change is my memory
of this place .
(Experiencing imaginary homeland.)
For i can't find it anywhere ,
but in the treasure house of my memories.


© Rubina Ahmed