

Lonely Place
It's a lonely
It's a lonely place.
We're a lonely
We're a lonely race.
You hurt because you're trying.
You fight,
you feel like dying.
'Cause its a lonely place.
You wake up in the morning,
ready to fight but feel like snoring.
You're stuck in a hopless space.
Convinced you must smile,
though you'd rather run a mile.
oh, it's a lonely place.
Smile though you're hurtin',
laughing because its "working".
We shouldn't feel pressured to be happy.
Youre allowed to cry,
to feel sappy.
You may feel you want to die.
But don't forget you're not alone tonight.
Because, though its a lonely place.
We're together as a lonely race.
We all need each other to survive.

Sorry! It came out more like a song than a poem. It kinda just came to me. I hope y'all dont mind! Enjoy!