

The Unraveling
Two lovers who promise never to leave each other,
A sequel they might gather, while rain scatters,
But lately, it's been one woe after another.

Two lovers who promised beneath the summer sun,
Forever entwined, 'til life's very last run.
Never to falter, a bond ever strong,
A melody sung, a love's joyful song.

But seasons can change, and skies turn to gray,
The rain, once a whisper, now falls in a spray.
Promises whispered, like leaves on the breeze,
Scattered and broken by life's harsh decrees.

One woe after another, a relentless tide,
Washing away trust, where love used to reside.
Disagreements simmer, once playful and light,
Now burning like embers, through day and through night.

Eyes that once sparkled, now clouded with doubt,
Laughter replaced by a lingering shout.
The warmth of their touch, once a comforting flame,
Now strangers in darkness, whispers of blame.

Will love rise above, through the storm's bitter cry?
Or will they surrender, as dreams slowly die?
A chance for redemption, a choice to be made,
To mend what is broken, before hope starts to fade.

© Santanu