

Remnants of Broken Hearts
The weight of heartache
with memories entwined,
A constant ache
in the recesses of the mind.
In whispered winds
their memories lie,
In the depths of time,
they still fill the midnight sky.

They dance on the fringes
of fleeting delight,
Like sparks from a fire,
swallowed by the night.
Voices unheard,
but their essence remains,
Whispering secrets
through forgotten plains.

Fragments of dreams,
once vivid and clear,
Now blurred and faded,
but still felt near.
They cling to the heart,
like shadows in the night,
Binding our souls
to a bittersweet light.

Memories of sorrow,
etched upon the soul,
Carrying burdens,
too heavy to console.
These are the remnants
of what hearts lost,
A price to pay,
no matter the cost.

A resounding chapter,
fading the laughter,
A red rose in bloom,
remembered with gloom.

© InkedSoul