

Ashamed of my inner sins

Entangled in bitterness 

Because of my pain

I put a padlock on my heart

And took the keys

And threw them in the sea

I refused to feel

I refused to believe 

But the hand cannot deny its touch

Nor the tongue its taste

The pain I felt was too deep to be numbed

I wince as I bite the wood of distraction

Yet it is crushed under the force of my teeth

And there is nothing for my pain to relief

Because distractions subside

Then I'm alone with my mind

Who fails not to remind

Me of my disappointments

Yet you Jesus come and offered your hand

I had hoped for aspirin 

Or a quick dose of happiness that would instantly cure

Yet instead You set my broken soul as one does with a broken bone

And the fragments of my broken heart You gathered together 

You began to surgically mend 

You did not offer a quick fix for life

But You offered hope and healing

And in my recovery I will wait on You Lord

Your word shall be as therapy to my soul

And I will rejoice in the midst of my pain

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