

Dreaming by the Sea
Hiding near the sea
A heart filled with glee
A wandering spirit
Who's soul yearns to be free

Ocean waves crashing
Along a long distanced shore
This wandering spirit
Searching to learn more

Falling for the light
Captivating moon nights
Stars twinkle and gleam
Within the night sky

She walks along the sands
Head filled with a dream
No questions of why
Creating her own lands

A fantasy world she could bring to life
No chaos, no worries, no more strife
A world of peace and no pain
No envy, no vain
Just a girl and her vision
A new start has risen

🤍🌹🌻Thank you so much for reading! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and know you are always loved, amazing, and worthy. Wishing everyone the very best, always🌻🌹🤍

© Sierra321