

Shadows and Light: The Eternal Struggle Within
In the depths of every soul,
Lies a battle beyond control,
Between light and darkness, they sway,
Dictating the choices we make each day.

Some are lost in shadows deep,
Where pain and anger silently creep,
Their hearts shrouded in a veil of despair,
Choosing paths that lead to nowhere.

Others seek power and greed,
Their hearts consumed by an insatiable need,
Blinded by desires that never cease,
They harm others to find their peace.

But amidst the chaos and the strife,
There's a glimmer of hope, a spark of life,
For within each soul, a light does glow,
Guiding us to choose the right way to go.

So let us hold onto that inner flame,
And rise above the lure of fame,
Choosing kindness, love, and grace,
To bring light to this darkened place.
© Boris Chianimbong