

Resilient Souls
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat

They carry stories, burdens deep,
With dreams and secrets they still keep,
Their spirits burn, an inner fire,
Guiding them through life's desire.

Though shadows cast upon their way,
They forge ahead, come what may,
Their hearts resilient, never break,
In their determination, they partake

Through storms and trials, they persist,
A flame within, they can't resist,
With each step taken, they grow strong,
Defying odds, proving them wrong.

Their souls connected, intertwined,
An unyielding force they've defined,
United in their quest for more,
They find the strength to reach the shore.

So let the gate stand tall and wide,
For all who seek, they won't be denied,
In every soul, a spark awaits,
To conquer mountains and embrace their fates.
© bitter_sweeett_