

My Hidden Persona......
I feel too scared,
of my hidden persona
When she is on frontseat Then I go ,
"oh no! dont go there na.....!"

I have to take strearing
or she's gonna hit them hard......
And When I go to jail !
Then she'll be there, a hothead......!

and then all would be confuse
cause I am not that girl.....!
But then why and how.....
What happened to all that people.....?

When i am on frontseat
Everything is streamlined
I do what i have to but
keeping her always inside

When i go super sad
she takes control cries instead
And whenever she gets mad
I keep then my head Cool-Aid

Se both come in a packaged deal
But nobody is ever the wiser
Cause we both part of same character
Yet one keeps calm and other is ,the sniper!

Both extreme good and bad
Live in same body but,
Where will the scales will dip today
Saying to Choose ,the biggest irony!

Cause nobody can tell when
Who will you be talking to
Who's taking nap now
And Who's fighting battles now....

© PradnyaBhide