

A Woman Scream 😱
Isn't it fascinating that every human being,
were all welcomed into this world to the sound of a woman scream?
It's a thought-provoking paradox,
That life begins with a cry, our first act of drama, and response to life’s daily knocks.
Yet when a woman screams, in pain or in fear,
It's often dismissed, unheard, silenced and left with a heart full of tears.
Yet in the echo of birth, we find a profound truth,
The power of women, from the days of youth.
Their voices, their strength, in birthing new life,
Yet in society's echo, often silenced in strife.
If you should stop and listen to a woman scream or plea.
You'll find the power to redeem, wisdom, discretion, beauty and modesty.
So let us not forget, in the circle of life's song,
The importance of listening, to find where we belong.
For a woman's scream, in joy or in sorrow,
Is a testament to strength, and a beacon for tomorrow!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo