

Paths of Wisdom: Stoicism and Islam

In shadows of wisdom, two paths align,
Stoicism and Islam, their virtues entwine,
Both seek the calm amid life's fierce storm,
To forge inner strength, a soul reborn.

Stoic minds embrace nature's decree,
Accepting the fate that's destined to be,
Islam finds solace in Allah's grand scheme,
Submitting to Him, like a tranquil stream.

Both value virtues, noble and grand,
In courage and justice, they firmly stand,
Tempering desires, with self-discipline's aid,
To find peace within, where serenity's laid.

In trials and tribulations, they find the grace,
To endure the struggles, and maintain their pace,
Stoic resilience, and Islam's deep faith,
Guiding them through life, with wisdom's wraith.

To act with compassion, kindness, and care,
Their hearts united, with love they bear,
In unity of purpose, they strive to attain,
A life of virtue, void of selfish gain.

Though paths may differ in their sacred art,
In harmony, they whisper to the heart,
Stoicism and Islam, together they bind,
A quest for wisdom, in humanity's mind.

© Mohammed yusuf