

In dreams, where reality blurs and bends,
Somniate, oh restless mind,
in the vast expanse of the night.
Visions dance like shadows, ephemeral and enchanting,
Whispers of the subconscious, weaving tales untold.

Through the corridors of sleep, wander freely,
Exploring landscapes of imagination and wonder.
Time loses its grip, as thoughts drift and meander,
In the tapestry of dreams, where fantasies unfurl.

Somniate, oh seeker of the surreal and the sublime,
Embrace the mysteries that lie beyond waking hours.
For in the realm of slumber, the mind finds solace,
And creativity blossoms in the depths of the night.

Let go of the constraints of the conscious world,
And surrender to the magic of the dreaming mind.
Somniate, and let your spirit soar on wings of reverie,
In the boundless realm of possibilities that sleep bestows.


to dream or to have dreams, can refer to the act of experiencing dreams during sleep or the figurative sense of imagining or fantasizing about something.

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