

|cries of the voiceless|
In the abyss of my soul's embrace,
A mute cry for liberation finds its space,
Melancholy's grace, a song it displays,
Known only to me, its captive fate.
Words drown in a profound hush's sea,
Like a caged bird, wings denied to be free,
My inner scream strives, with fervent plea,
Yet falls on deaf, unkind ears, untied.
Notes reverberate through dim-lit halls,
But deafened ears deny their desperate calls,
The world passes by, uncaring, it sprawls,
While my plea for freedom fades and enthralls.
Silence presses upon my burdened chest,
Smothering and suffocating my zest,
Thoughts whirl, in words oppressed,
Confined and locked, never to be expressed.
Within empty chambers of my mind's abode,
The scream dances, a wild shadow's ode,
Surreal images mold, a story bestowed,
Only my heart comprehends the message's glow.
Though my lips may be silent, held in sway,
My soul screams in hues of anguish, pain's display,
The melody of my tears ruptures silence's play,
Breaking barriers, truth will convey.
The world may choose to ignore my plea,
Yet within me brews a symphony, you see,
In each heartbeat, each breath's decree,
Resides the silent melody of my spirit's decree.
Thus, my inner scream ascends with might,
A nocturnal flutter, defying the night's domain,
Proclaiming the rhythm of my wounded soul's plight,
Unleashing emotions, a tumultuous refrain.
Though the world may deny and shun my plea,
I shall breathe life into the silent cry's resound,
My words shall blaze like fire, wild and free,
Illuminating darkness with emotions profound.
For within the silent melody of my inner scream,
Lies the truth of my existence's core, supreme,
An expression of my soul's infinite stream,
Revealing fragile notes, forevermore.
Hear the sound of silence's embrace,
Listen to the silent melody of the inner cry,
For within its desperate beauty's grace,
Shines the essence of my genuine being's sky.
~we are crying without being heard~

© Max von der Heydt. All rights Reserved.