

~melodies of the tides~ (#30)
When Waves crash upon the Rocks, relentless force,
Like a titan's hammer, shaping their course.
When Waves splash against the Stones, their spray a dance,
Whispering secrets in a watery trance.
When Waves glide over the Bedrock, a gentle caress,
Leaving a kiss of salt, a lingering impress.
They carry with them
Rock, Stone, and Cliff, nature's embrace.
As ancient giants entwined, their spirits interlace.
Eroding like time erases existence,
Nature's sculptor, shaping with persistence.
In this eternal symphony of nature's might,
A tale unfolds, hidden in the sea's light.
The Rocks, guardians of forgotten lore,
Whisper stories of ancient kingdoms once more.
And as the Waves continue their endless chore,
They etch upon the stones the legends of yore.
It's in these depths where mysteries reside,
Where the spirits of the sea and land coincide.
So listen closely, as Waves and Rocks converse,
A symphony of nature's verse.
Esperanto deus ex machina...

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