


When love becomes life
And life itself becomes love,
When music becomes the mind
And the mind itself becomes music,
When the prayer becomes the soul
And the soul itself becomes the prayer,
Then there is divinity everywhere -
No more wandering, no more thirst -
As every quest meets its sublime destiny!
You can just close your eyes and
Immerse in the supreme experience -
The ultimate of human existence -
The very crest of being...

AK 29/08/21

P.S: Meera or Sant Meerabai (Mirabai) was a famous Bhakti (16th century) period poet of India. Her hymns, songs (known as Bhajans) and odes for Krishna, her 'Ishta-devata' (Cherished/favourite/most-beloved deity), made her the central figure of the Bhakti movement. Not only that, her revolutionary life, along with myriads of legends surrounding it, made Meera a perennial figure on the Indian cultural landscape, especially on the spiritual front. Today, even after so many years of her earthly demise, she is widely recognised in India as the epitome of spiritual identity and pursuit, and also as a glorious symbol of unity in diversity...

#spirituality #love #spiritual

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