

NIGHT ....
Afternoon glides to dusk gliding
smoothly into the bosom
of night
road lamps are switched on
all houses get bathed
with glowing lights.
Some are fluorescent
some milky white
while some other houses
have a jaundiced yellow sight.
The sky changes from
a light grey to an inky dark
its God 's craftsmanship
to make visible
His beautiful l canopy of twinkling stars.
If I talk about trees
they look blackish green
taller and more quiet
matching themselves with
the dark solitude of the night.
The flowing rivers
gurgle away in muddy or
silver hue
while the oceans roar loud
spewing froth
as they lash on boulders
splaying like shampoo.
Gradually , the traffic on roads
become light
children snuggle in their beds
as mothers kiss them
good night.
Moon !
the beautiful finale of night
glitters , waxes, wanes
but keeps on spreading light.

© Liquid words @28