

Crossroads Of The Heart
In the realm of indecision, I once stood,
Lost in the labyrinth of choices, misunderstood,
Each path before me, a tangled maze,
Confusion clouding my once clear gaze.

Should I turn left or venture right,
In the shadows of doubt, I lost my sight,
Fearful of the consequences, the unknown,
Stuck in a limbo, feeling all alone.

Days turned to nights, the clock ticking fast,
Caught in a web of choices, unable to cast,
A decision that would shape my destiny,
A choice that would set my spirit free.

But in the midst of chaos, a whisper I heard,
A voice from within, like a sweet songbird,
Guiding me gently, showing me the way,
Leading me towards the light of a new day.

With courage in my heart, I took a leap,
Embracing uncertainty, no longer asleep,
I made my choice, with faith in my stride,
And in that moment, my fears subsided.

For in the face of indecision's plight,
I found my voice, my inner light,
And though the path was unclear at the start,
I trusted in myself, and followed my heart.
© Boris Chianimbong