

I'm just a girl who longs to be loved,
To be cared for, cherished, pampered so much,
I want someone to hold me tight,
Someone to lean on, day or night.

I don't buy into that self-reliance creed,
Because I am enough, yes indeed,
But sometimes I need to hear someone say,
"It's okay, you're not strong today."

When I'm feeling down, let me hear,
"Come here, let me give you a hug, my dear."
When I'm weary from battling the world,
"Let me stand beside you, my brave girl."

If problems arise, let’s face them together,
I'll be your shield, your stormy weather.
When fear grips tight, don't let go,
"Hold my hand, we'll take it slow."

If I don't want to do anything at all,
"Let's take a break, we'll just let time crawl."
I don't need jewels or fancy things,
I just want the comfort your presence brings.

If I'm sad, let's watch something funny,
Your laughter's worth more than any money.
If I detest someone, you'll join my disdain,
With you, my burdens are lighter, my pain less plain.

If someone hurts me, you'll step in,
"Don't worry, I've got this, we'll win."
If I can't do it, you'll lend a hand,
And if I can, you'll cheer, make a stand.

When I need someone, you'll always be near,
"Don't worry, my love, I'm here, I'm here."
© _areesha