

Endless Love
When tears cascade down your face, my love,
My heart aches in tandem, our souls entwined,
For I have known the pain your spirit bears,
I've felt the weight of anxiety combined.

Your fears, my dearest, are mine to embrace,
Inseparable shadows we have become,
And though the world may turn its callous gaze,
Know that in your darkest hours, I am the one.

I adore you beyond these tear-stained skies,
No force could part me from your trembling side,
The smiles you wear to mask your bitter truths,
Only I decipher, the secrets you confide.

Let me wrap you in love's unyielding arms,
For living without you seems unbearably tough,
Together we shall face life's daunting storms,
For my love for you, my dear, will never be enough.
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