

The Cry of Humanity: A Poem of Hope Amidst Darkness
In a world where darkness creeps,
And the sound of silence weeps,
The killing of people, a haunting trend,
Leaving broken hearts to mend.

Blood spills upon the earth so pure,
A stain that no water can cure,
Echoes of pain in the air,
As humanity despairs.

Gone are the days of peace,
Replaced by violence that won't cease,
But in the midst of all the strife,
We must still hold onto life.

Let kindness be our guiding light,
To push back against the endless night,
For in unity we shall stand,
And create a world where love will command.

So let us rise above the hate,
And break free from this cruel fate,
For in the end, it's love we crave,
To heal the wounds, the blood, the grave.
© Boris Chianimbong