

dear, darling
I've been sitting with my thoughts
with my feelings, when I have all but melted
into a puddle, a scrambled mess on the floor

I step into the coldness of my room
all alone, it's me

and you, standing at the corner
watching my limbs fall off my sides
in the silent, it's you

I've been letting myself sit with you
as the walls pulsate, the floor gasps for air

this room, as alive as you are
desperate to be seen, to transcend
time and space and heaven hell themselves

I step into the abyss of my thoughts
into your arms

"I know"

no exchange needed, I knew

"you talked a bit too loud"
"I know"

I've been letting myself go these days

"you shared a bit too much"
"I know"

and the you in my room, are mad about it

"your laugh a bit too ugl-"
"-I know"

and do your smirk taste like the devil itself

"oh, dear, darling,"

this room has lungs, made of rust and ashes

"I can't let you bear the weight of another
friendship burned, cursed out of heaven,"

"I can't let you be naive again and trusting again
that these other people are trying to make friend
when you're so easily replaceable to them
I simply can't-"

like a tide your omniscient voice coddles me
drowns and ties me to the bottom of the sea

"-let you hurt other people anymore"

and do your bony touch feel like

the allure of Eden itself.

© lostboyzephyr