

The Man in my Nightmare
There it is.
That man's footprints.
It's much bigger than mine
he's going straight line.

And so I goes the other way.
I badly needs to run away!
I don't want him to find me,
I know He will kill me.

I regret taking those pill.
I regret sleeping still.
I regret choosing to dream,
and not to continue living.

I cry and cry and cry!
no one's gonna help me
I know I'm going to die!
Will this be my final goodbye?

I know he's here.
he's everywhere near.
And I was engulfed,
with endless fear..

"D-on't" I plead.

he's walking forward,
I'm stepping backward.
he raises his hand,
he's holding a gun.

He pointed it at me.
I'm trembling all over my body.
He's about to shoot me,
and I'm about to die knowingly.


I couldn't hear anything.
but I could feel someone's,
heavy breathing.
Something is pulling me into deep sleep,
But I wanted to see who is it.

And so I opened my eyes,
and see people in white.
Am I dead? I asked.
but the one sitting beside me, Laugh.

Silly, she said,
and hugged me instead.
'you've been in a coma for two weeks, I'm glad you're finally here."

'M-om,' I sobbed
and my memories came back.
I'm too coward to live in reality,
so I choose to sleep for eternity.

I took sleeping pills,
and slept deeply.
But I didn't die,
but dreamed for a while.

and wake up after that.
That nightmare..
will always be remembered,
will be, forever.

and the room door suddenly opened.
A man in a hoodie casually entered.
I'm trembling, and I don't even care!
this man....

is the same man in my Nightmare..

© lazycatpoems