

melt into
Teach me how you would like to be loved
How i can strip you down to the purest "you"
Where neither ego nor act would be necessary
How i can deform my arms for you to call them home

Teach me the way your heart dances
A rhythm of comfort, my head on your chest
Where its beats and ballets signal a chance
How i can sculpt my own into the mold of yours

Teach me the sounds of your dream
Let them echo while we lie side by side, moonlit
Where we make promises as foolish as it seems
How i wish for us time would perpetually freeze

Teach me what your touches mean
The warmth of your hands creeping into my skin
Where caresses speak of wariness and dubiety
How i can distort my mind just to let you in

Teach me dear, for us, i'll mend these broken hearts
To learn the essence of "you", i yearn for a start
Where loving you is a path i choose to pursue
Teach me, for i'd dissolve me just to absorb you


© lostboyzephyr