

helping a people pleaser, can I?
I'll sit next to the girl you're all mad at
she talks to much anyway, I have an headache today. But if she sit alone she'll feels sad. She may notice the way you look at her. So I'll keep her eyes away.
Yes, I can send you my notes even if you don't send me yours.
Yes, I'll stop my thoughts if you text me
If he needs me, if he calls
(Don't worry, he won't)

I'll smile at the old woman alone at the market
I'll say thank you 8 times as the waitress put the plates on the desk, as my friends don't raise their heads.
I'll visit all my relatives, once a week.
My brother doesn't, so... Their played with me when I was little. What if now they feel alone?

I feel guilty. I must have committed a crime before.
I should serve a sentence, I guess I forgot my error.
I was born covered in soar blood, isn't that enough?

I won't collect flowers from the grass unless dad is turning on the lawnmower, then I'll take them and put them in a pot. I don't want to kill them, or to make them bleed. It hurts, I know.
I'll leave my room as mum fight with her man, she insulted me before but now she is crying out loud. And no one is there. Maybe she needs an hug? Does she wants help?
Yes, I hear you. Yes, you can call. No, it's not a problem. I'm not bothered at all.
It's inevitable, I know I can't swim, that my studying is behind. But you all come before.

I can help you all. But if I must tell the truth, I don't know if I truly care
I can, should, have to! Don't know the real phrase
No, I don't know what I want to eat today, you can choose that's just fine.
I don't even know what I like anyway.
You can go, I'll wait. I can mend your scars and prevent you from having one.
But my scars are not something that can be cured any day

I wish they were physical, plastic, clear.
Wish all my skin was silvery from the lines of the past
Maybe in that way I could somehow explain
At least to my self, how the hell I can help,
for once help myself

© khloè