

God's Angels
A girl so young and full of life,
Her future bright, her smile so bright,
But fate had something else in store,
A monster lurking, waiting to strike.

He came in the night, with evil intent,
She never knew what was coming, oh the torment,
He took her innocence, he took her pride,
Leaving her broken, with nowhere to hide.

She screamed and she cried, but no one heard,
Her soul was shattered, her heart was blurred,
The monster had his way, with no remorse,
Leaving her scarred, with no recourse.

The girl who once danced in the sun,
Now hides in the shadows, her life undone,
The monster still roams, with no one to stop,
Leaving behind a trail of pain and blood.

But the girl refused to be a victim,
She fought through the darkness, with every rhythm,
She found her strength, she found her voice,
And vowed to make the monster pay for his choice.

With the support of those who believed,
The girl stood tall, she was not deceived,
She fought for justice, she fought for her rights,
And the monster was finally brought to the light.

Though scars remain, she's now a warrior,
Her strength and courage, an inspiration for others,
She may have been raped by a monster,
But she survived, and that makes her a conqueror.

© king
#god's angels

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