

Lost love —sad soul
Unexpected beginnings and unexpected endings.
Tears ran down my cheeks watering my memories of you.
Is crying a weakness? Ok, then I'm weak only for you.
I know these feelings will hurt and hurt me
until it makes me numb without feelings.
You know, the worst feeling a person could ever have is to be left without feelings.
My heart fell for you the moment when I said I had a crush on you.
Fondness could happen now and then but true love occurs only once.
All those unsend words weigh my heart.
My heart halts and is blank but my hands wait to dash off again the same way i did once.
My mind is mesmerized by your vows.
I'm sinking thinking high of us.
What the world including you could give me? sympathy! I never need that.
Their amiable words seem like placing a sharp knife in front of my neck.
It's hard... it's sad...
Hey tall sweetheart,we're living in a world
where true love is stumbled to mere illusions.
My heart is sized to love you then why do you
go before physical appearance?

© kev