

There comes a time in a life like this
There comes a time in a
life like this
when we don't understand
what's going on in our life,

when everyone has gone
from our life
And the few people who
are left are living with us
only to fulfill their purpose ,

''EveN the oNe I helD CloSesT
To me has AlSo GonE,,

Yes, there comes a time
in life which we have
never even imagined,

Then we don't understand
what to do if we do now ❓

where to go
if you go ❓

which path to choose ❓

Then we became silent
and then we think
whatever is going on
Just let it's going on,

we are completely broken
and we trapped in our
loudest pain,

The pain that no one
can feel except me,

we start feeling very
tired and defeated

Actually our body
doesn't get tired
Our mind gets tired,

Yes there comes a time
in a life like this !

Yes there comes a time
in a life like this !!

© Shama writes ✍️

#WritcoQuote #poetrycommunity #lifelesson #Life&Life